Driving test tips

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3 Easy steps to tyre safety

A lot of car accidents are caused by unsafe tyres, where the tyres are either under inflated, too inflated or simply severely worn.

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In order for your tyres to do the job, it is so important that you look after them by keeping them correctly inflated and replacing them when worn or damaged. Most drivers don’t realise the importance of tyre maintenance, keep in mind that worn tyres can add meters to your stopping distance in the wet, while under inflated tyres can seriously compromise the handling and steering response of your vehicle.

Statistics of a research made on tyre safety checks throughout Europe, conducted last year were alarming. The statistics showed that, 8 in 10 cars had under inflated tyres (80%), 1 in 6 had tyres which were worn beyond the legal limit (17%) and 1 in 11 had both severely worn and severely under inflated tyres (9%). These alarming numbers shows us how a lot of drivers are posing danger to themselves and other road users!

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However, looking after your tyres is as easy as A,B,C !

Check your tread depth

If your tyre has more tread it means that you will have more grip in the wet. It is that simple. You should check your tread depth regularly by either using tread gauge or the built-in tread wear indicator on your tyres. The UK legal limit for minimum depth of the tread on your tyre is 1.6 millimetres. It is recommended that your replace your tyre before the legal limit is reached.

Tips: Check your tyre tread in each groove of the tyre, on all your tyres and in at least 2 points along the groove.

Check your tyre pressure

Your tyres will simply no work without air, so you must make sure that you check your tyre pressure at least once a month. It is also important that you keep your tyres always correctly inflated. Vehicles have different pressure limits depending on they make and model. You will find the correct pressure for your vehicle in your operating manual.

Tips: Check your tyre pressure when tires are cold, before a long journey and when carrying heavy loads.

Check for damage or irregular wear

Always remember, if you look after your tyres they will look after you. Check for any signs of irregular wear, tears, cuts, bulges or any objects lodged in the tread regularly. If you are not sure, you can always ask a specialist who will be happy to help!

Tips: Check for damage or wear on all of your tyres, on both sides of the tyre and on wheel rims.

Vroome.com – Supporting UK and International tyre safety and promoting safe driving.

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