Driving test tips

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Driving test tips. What to do when you see
the roundabout sign on your driving test day.

Driving test tips and information on what to do when you see the roundabout sign on your driving test day.

When approaching a roundabout, you have to make sure that you take notice of all the information you see, such as traffic signs, road markings, traffic lighting and other road users. The important thing here, is to act appropriately on those information, which means that:

when you see the roundabout sign, you should prepare yourself to deal with it safely (Using the MSM routine – Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre ).

when you see how the road markings are laid out, you should know which lane to enter and use.

when you see any vehicle entering the roundabout from the right, you should give them priority.

Using the roundabout:

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“Make sure to use the Mirror – Signal – Manoeuvre routine”

It is very important to decide well ahead of the roundabout, or as soon the examiner gives you the directions, which signal to give and lane to take. You must also adjust your speed to the most appropriate speed that fits to the traffic conditions and be aware of the traffic around you.

If when you reach the roundabout, you have no choice but to stop because other vehicles are entering from the right, don’t worry, when its clear and safe simply ease up off the clutch, while using your mirrors, then drive on.

REMEMBER, keep an eye on the vehicle in front of you, when you are about to emerge.
“The vehicle might stop while you are looking right and emerging onto the roundabout. Most of the rear-end collisions happen this way.”

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Using mini roundabouts is similar to using bigger roundabouts. However, you have to keep in mind that there are going to be less space and time to give your signal and deal with the roundabout.

On a mini roundabout, you have to stay aware of any vehicles wanting to make a U-turn because this is most common here than on larger roundabouts.

“Never drive over the central markings on a mini roundabout, always drive around it.”

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