Driving test tips

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Driving test tips.
5 tips to calm driving test nerves

You are on your way to the driving test center, and already anticipating the worst. You start worrying and your breathing hitches, you feel as though you are about to pass out. Have you ever felt like that? Even if all of us never really felt as though we were about to pass out, many of us definitely felt nervous on our driving test day.

Here are 5 tips to calm driving test nerves.

Breath in and out

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We all heard about breathing techniques to help us calm our nerves, well of course! It is actually the most used method of calming nerves.

Start by closing your eyes and then take a deep breath, while keeping you eyes closed of course! Now slowly let it all out, just keep it up for few minutes. The aim is to slow down your breathing, but don’t breath so slowly as to make your chest feel uncomfortable.
You should repeat this exercise at least 2 times, but work slowly. Deep breathing will lower your blood pressure and improve circulation, it will help your body relax.


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By simply closing your eyes and imagining yourself in a very peaceful place will help reduce your nerves.

You could just image yourself laying down on the grass, in a sunny day. Imagine the feel of your skin against the grass and the nature noises around you. Imagine yourself with a smile on your face and the sun complimenting it.

Remember, the more you lose yourself to it, the more you will feel relaxed!

Stand up and stretch

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We all know that tensed muscles don’t calm any nerves.

By standing up and stretching up, you will feel some tension go away. You can simply walk around the driving test center room, reach for the ceiling or if you feel sporty that day even do some jumping-jacks…!

These will waken up other parts of the brain which are inactive during your work, and it will help pick up your mood.

Go outside and get some fresh air

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While you are waiting in the driving test center room, the walls around you, the other driver learners waiting for their turn to take on their driving test may make you feel even more nervous.

If you go outside into a different surrounding, even for just a minute, it will help you deal with your nerves tremendously! That little quick change of atmosphere will relax you.

Eat something healthy

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Eating a quick healthy snack, sugary food is not recommended, can also help. Grab yourself some fruits to eat while waiting for your driving test, a full stomach always helps to deal with nerves.

Remember, a well balanced meal before your driving test can prevent you from feeling weak, tired or generally ill.

What are your personal secrets to deal with driving test nerves? Share them with us by commenting below.

Best wishes for your Practical Driving Test!

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- The Vroome Team

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